My Role Model ~ ''The Empress''

Empress - Goddess Deck

If I could be anybody I wished, I would have all the qualities describing ''The Empress'' in the Tarot Cards...
The Empress
This Arcanum from ancient times portrays the Great Mother, (her title in the Revolutionary Tarot.) She is Nature, the unfolding miracle of life. This is the ancient, aboriginal pre-Christian Goddess, for whom the Priestess serves as handmaid. In medieval Europe, the Empress was a representation of whatever Queen currently ruled the land, which may have satisfied the Inquisitors. But the scholars of the Renaissance and beyond would have had no doubt of her inner identity, although she could not be shown as the "woman clothed with the sun" until after the French Revolution.
The Empress produces bodies for human beings, is the engine of fertility for the planet, feeds us all, delights us with flowers and fruit, and terrifies us when her mood swings wipe out our plans with heavy weather and plagues. She is the Mother of Embodiment, source of Natural Law, She who recycles us when we die, whom we upset at our own peril.
This Arcanum from ancient times portrays the Great Mother, (her title in the Revolutionary Tarot.) She is Nature, the unfolding miracle of life. This is the ancient, aboriginal pre-Christian Goddess, for whom the Priestess serves as handmaid. In medieval Europe, the Empress was a representation of whatever Queen currently ruled the land, which may have satisfied the Inquisitors. But the scholars of the Renaissance and beyond would have had no doubt of her inner identity, although she could not be shown as the "woman clothed with the sun" until after the French Revolution.
The Empress produces bodies for human beings, is the engine of fertility for the planet, feeds us all, delights us with flowers and fruit, and terrifies us when her mood swings wipe out our plans with heavy weather and plagues. She is the Mother of Embodiment, source of Natural Law, She who recycles us when we die, whom we upset at our own peril.
The 12 positional aspects of The Empress:
- Those around you seek after your warm and generous presence.
The Empress symbolizes harmony, comfort, creativity and wisdom. This Great Mother beckons us with her life-giving support. She is the abundant matrix from which we draw vital life and out of which we individuate. She exemplifies health and natural joy in the body, the healing arts, music, and all things good, true and beautiful. We learn our highest ideals from her. The Empress in this position indicates that you personify something generous, warm and nurturing. - A magnetic soul draws others with beauty and abundance.
A charismatic individual in the environment is attracting people like bees to a flower. This person helps us see and feel the truth of an inspiring ideal. Naturally this is a valuable person to have around. Such a person creates and spreads boundless love and acceptance for everyone to be nurtured by. Seek to emulate people who manifest creative harmony, inclusiveness and warm acceptance. - When using your power to please, be careful about boundaries.
The Empress in this position challenges you to avoid using seduction as a way of achieving harmony or agreement. The Empress makes better use of the drawing power of attraction. Because of her regal attractiveness, everyone likes her and feels comfortable with her. She can pretty much get what she wants. You now have an opportunity to influence others through sheer personal magnetism. There's not need to overstep boundaries or promise more than you truly want to deliver. - A model of unwavering generosity and love provides you a source of strength and wisdom.
The Empress suggests that at some time in your life you were exposed to an inspiring model of female dignity, generosity and love -- someone who was steady and supportive. How fortunate you were! This experience taught you to go within and find the source of right action and clear thinking within yourself. Even if this person is no longer available to you, the learning you received can continue to provide a strong, reliable foundation. - Compassionate support and generosity have touched your life.
The Empress in this position points to a brush with the Goddess. She is the archetype of compassionate Nature who supports humanity with her wisdom and love. Perhaps you recently felt inspired by some experience of the generosity and healing power of the divine feminine. You were reminded that you are not an orphan, but cherished and protected. Meditate on your relationship to this caring Force. The remembrance that there is love for you will help you face the world with greater confidence. - Let yourself be inspired by the nurturing feminine.
The Empress symbolizes an ideal or cause that comes from the compassionate universal mother. Whether it's Kuan Yin or Isis, the great archetypes of the ancients, she represents a nurturing feminine, dispensing love, wisdom and abundance. Let the light shine within you. The Empress requires that we surrender to her. Let her guide you through chaotic circumstances. You can relax in her embrace and trust her. She is doing what is best for all, and you are one of her own. - You deserve the benevolence about to be bestowed on you.
The Empress in this position indicates that spirit is about to intervene in your life. It may be just enough to give you a glimpse of the miraculous; it may be more. You may or may not know who bestows such good fortune, but the care and nurturing that will result come as no accident. You will come to see that you are not alone, that you are being watched over. What appears to be coincidental good luck may actually be the result of a series of good choices you have made. It's your turn to have things work out, to be blessed and nurtured. Relax in the knowledge that you are in good hands and that you are worthy of receiving this loving embrace. - Don't allow fear of the unknown to overtake you.
The Empress in this position indicates that you may be forgetting how sharp and intuitive your natural intelligence is. Make a conscious commitment to listen to the wisdom of your body and take good care of it. Focus on how well the material plane has served you. You have nothing to fear -- you are in good hands with the Empress. - A compassionate person who is pleased to champion your best efforts nurtures you.
The Empress here suggests the presence of a powerful role model -- a person with a warm, embracing demeanor who thinks expansively and inclusively. She or he is happy to help you nurture your genius, develop your creativity and locate the resources you need to complete important projects. This feminine spirit -- so soft, warm and magnetic -- makes things easy and enjoyable. She models an attitude of confidence in Nature, a feminine form of strength who gives people permission to ask for and receive what they need. The conciliatory and openhanded style you are learning from her creates enjoyable relationships that bear fruit for everyone. - Don't be hard on yourself for not measuring up; your positive influence has in fact facilitated favorable outcomes.
The Empress in this position advises you to trust in the good sense you have shown up to this point. Recognize your good intentions and your steady performance of responsibilities as a compassionate human. You are capable of demonstrating the finest aspects of your personality -- caring actions, a forgiving and generous attitude, and wise understanding of others' needs and struggles. Bring a healing influence to the current situation. And give yourself credit for the supportive part you play. - The most highly evolved intentions produce the best outcome.
The Empress in this position indicates great potential for love, wisdom, harmony and abundance. Do your best to hold to high ideals and promote whatever will support a spirit of cooperation within your extended family or group. If you hearken to the most creative part of yourself, you will be blessed by good results and widespread appreciation for your contribution. Continue in this direction and beautiful blessings will shine upon you. - You are called to the mothering role of nurturer and supporter.
The Empress in this position calls upon you to serve as a resource for spiritual or emotional nurturing. World-weary souls may seek you out in their need for solace, care and support. The Empress is depended upon for all that it takes to grow up and become competent in the world. There are times in our lives when we are asked to serve in this way. This is not a punishment or a tax; it is a calling. If you give it your best when it is your turn to do so, the rewards will be great. - When the Empress card is drawn reversed, she is angry: "You can't fool Mother Nature" is the saying that best describes her, unfortunately. I wouldn't want her responsibility if I put her in this position. ~
Because the Empress represents Nature, when she is reversed she has tremendous natural power to correct her heedless children. Volcanoes, tsunami, hurricanes and the like symbolize violent emotions triggered by ignorant or foolish humans. If you feel like being corrective, you are probably justified, but set limits on how punitive you allow yourself to be. You don't want to go too far and destroy all you have taken so much delight in.
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