I wish ~
the one thing
that would make everybody on this planet
I wish everybody who still has a spark of kid or at least a healthy bad habit of regular self-indulgence to enjoy my "Wish List" - a beginner list at best but something in there will hopefully perk you to attention. I made the list, not for me, as much as my blog mandate suggests - what I would want everybody to have and enjoy any time they wanted.

"playful clouds"

I wish ~
Everybody felt as rejuvenated as me!
Yes, you DO have control of your lifespan, your quality of life, the unfolding of your future, the quality of life on your street ... your Planet.
No, you DON'T have to feel paralyzed and you don't have to accept feeling out-of-control ~ not of your health, nor your lifestyle, nor even your planet.
I took the RealAge test over 2 years ago and the results showed my body was functioning as a person older than their chronological age. And it was right ~ I was used to dragging my achy bones around, pushing my brain to think, trying to keep my sagging spirit from a depression I don't remember NOT having.
I just finished the test for the second time. My results this time?
My calendar age is 51.7
My new RealAge is 46.3
My calendar age is 51.7
My new RealAge is 46.3
That indicates I'm 5.4 years younger and fitter than my chronological age would have me acting and feeling ~ I worked hard to make taking caring of myself a lifestyle ~ not easy if you don't know what healthy even feels like.
And, test or no test, I FEEL at least that much younger as that RealAge Test shows, but, I still ACT like a kid.
And, test or no test, I FEEL at least that much younger as that RealAge Test shows, but, I still ACT like a kid.
I know my RealAge. Do you know yours?
About The RealAge Test:You have been invited to join the 10 million-plus women and men who have already taken the RealAge test. Is your biological age older or younger than your calendar age?
Discover your RealAge today, and you'll also receive personalized recommendations on looking, feeling and actually becoming younger.
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