I wish ~ I could give everybody an anti-fear serum
When we were little we used to get booster shots because we knew kids could still get Tuberculosis or Polio. One boy in our school walked crooked because he had polio and my girlfriends and me were too afraid to talk to him. Now that I'm wiser I know we weren't afraid of the boy ~ we were terrified of getting "whatever horrible thing he had that made him wobble and scared us".
My best friend in Grade 4, Linda, used to sing a rhyme about Tuberculosis that was funny because we didn't know how serious TB was at the time. It was like Shakespeare and went something like this:
TB or not TB?
That is the question.
Consumption be done about it?
Of corpse not!
By the way, I didn't know what "Consumption" is, and I still don't because people of our generation never "got it" or saw anybody else "get it".
Likewise, if you ask a kid today if he or she knows what Polio or TB is, most of them will tell you they never heard of it, or if they did they wouldn't know anyone with that problem.
Likewise, if you ask a kid today if he or she knows what Polio or TB is, most of them will tell you they never heard of it, or if they did they wouldn't know anyone with that problem.
If I could inoculate everybody in the world with one shot that would forever get rid of, wipe out, eradicate to the point that if you mentioned it, nobody would be old enough to remember what it was other than as a History question, it would be two sides of one thing.
If I had all the power in the world, or if I could get God to do anything I wanted, I would make sure all fear and all anger would be wiped off the souls of every living person, that all human beings' hearts would be healed of it, and that it would not hide in our bodies to kill us like a cancer ~ with such effectiveness that even any memory of fear or anger would be wiped out of our memories by the next generation and nobody would even remember the feeling of being afraid or angry.